The orator's education in according to M.F. Quintilian
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Submission date: 2017-09-01
Acceptance date: 2017-09-15
Publication date: 2017-09-26
Corresponding author
Anna Krajewska   

WSGE, Olsztyńska 63, 11-001 Dywity, Polska
JoMS 2017;34(3):47-57
The aim of the article is to present the main educational assumptions proposed by M. F. Quintylian in shaping new generations of right people and citizens.

Material and methods:
Descriptive, analytical method

Results of the conclusions and conclusions contained in the final part of the article

According to Quintilian, a citizen, who is assigned to the administration and management of government should be a good orator. Apart from comprehensive and complete education he/she should be fluent in the language of Greek and Latin, know the literature, graduate oratorical studies, and above all, should be distinguished by its unimpeachable moral profile. He/she should be the model of right and perfectly moral person. Quintilian postulated that children from an early age shall be ready for this role. Educational process of the future orator consisted of intellectual and moral education, which took place in the traditional educational institutions of the ancient Rome, i.e. in the family and at school. He required from parents the education and righteousness, so that the children in the house did not witness brutal and shameless scenes. He imposed similar requirements on teachers, who above all should be noble and also should have a complete education. His proposals and suggestions has been included in the treatise entitled Institutes of Oratory, which according to him would be, "useful for the right-hinking Roman youth."

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