Process management in a local bank – a practical process model
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Publication date: 2015-06-30
JoMS 2015;25(2):261-274
This article presents certain aspects of process management in financial institutions –  particularly in small and local banks. The aim of the author is to present and propose practical application of an universal processes model that can be identifi ed within the day-to-day operations of the banks. The use of a designed process structure, in local banks practice, may enable them to achieve relatively fast, eff ective and effi cient outcomes while minimizing their own resource expenditures. Th e organizational units responsible for the implementation of a process model will also receive assurance that created process architecture ensures consistency and completeness of their banking business. This study may be useful both for those responsible in the banks for the process of preparing, maintaining and developing process maps, as well as for organizational units carrying out the actual implementation of process architecture model. This material can also be used as a pattern; the same it can be successfully used in the practice of other fi nancial institutions carrying out banking operations.
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