Values education in the society of questionable values
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Submission date: 2017-08-24
Final revision date: 2017-12-12
Acceptance date: 2018-01-16
Publication date: 2018-04-19
Corresponding author
Anna Krajewska   

WSGE, Olsztyńska 63, 11-001 Dywity, Polska
JoMS 2018;36(1):27-40
The following text aims at approaching this problem and, if possible, getting across to those people, who care for the quality of life for present and especially future generations The analysis of few thoughts of different authors gives some image – but certainly not complete – of the dynamically changing reality

Material and methods:
Descriptive, analytical method

Results of the conclusions and conclusions contained in the final part of the article

Today talking about values is not so much an issue of fashion but an issue of necessity. In terms of fading away of the importance of the highest values, which accompany Western civilization from the beginning, it becomes the individual and the institutional responsibility to recall them. Relativized truth, good, love, life, honesty, justice become dictionary entries with no reflection in human life and society. However, it does not discharge anyone from liability for being watchful and, if possible, for restoring in young generations such values, which have been neglected by others and us. A special role in performing this task, i.e. values education, always belongs to parents and predisposed institutions.

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