The problem of social engagement of a child within the family and by the family in the views of selected representatives of social pedagogy
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Submission date: 2021-10-26
Acceptance date: 2021-12-08
Publication date: 2021-12-22
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JoMS 2021;47(2):261-284
The question posed in this article is: How does the social engagement of the child take place within the family and by the family, and what is the essence and specificity of such influence by the family on the child?

Material and methods:
Following the description by Teresa Kukołowicz, who links the process of upbringing with social engagement, and points to the family as the scenario of the child’s special connection, this article takes up this specific fact, starting from the search for terminological explanations related to “social engagement”, and especially to the social engagement of the child within the family.

Socialisation, usually considered as learning values and social norms, as preparation to perform social roles, or as forming conscience, today is reduced to a mere adaptation – which also comes with manifest detriment to the process of social engagement.

The human being has both an individual and a social nature, which indicates the necessity of taking into account in the process of the social engagement of the child both care for the child's own development (personalisation) and its orientation towards social life (socialisation), and this in every educational and socially engaging activity. In social engagement there is a justifiable need for both family care and support for the development of the child by the parents and the family, as well as for social (State) care, and the cooperation of these environments should take place without violating the rights of other persons or subjects entitled to upbringing – especially the family.

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