European Union law as a guarantee of freedom of self-government and business activity
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University of Szczecin
Submission date: 2023-06-21
Acceptance date: 2023-10-27
Publication date: 2023-10-31
Corresponding author
Andrzej Bałaban   

University of Szczecin
JoMS 2023;52(3):101-112
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Material and methods:
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The presented essay is based on the author's studies from various periods of the development of the European Communities. Its goal is to search for the basic elements of the development and stability of the state in the conditions of globalization and membership in the European Union. When looking for driving mechanisms of the state, it is necessary to indicate, above all, free economic activity and rational self-government economy (in the municipal and regional version). They are underestimated by the state when it aims to centralize management and incapacitate local governments in order to increase the "power of the state", and in fact the power of politicians who consider the destruction of democracy to be a quick "success." The method of analysis used in the text is a confrontation of the traditional doctrine of the state bordering on authoritarianism, which was still present in Poland until 1989, with the new doctrine of communitarizing states. The best guarantee that prevents old and new threats of degeneration of state functions is currently EU law with a set of its features and enforcement measures. The Polish Constitution is broadly open to this method of strengthening the state and the law

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