Minors` protection in audiovisual media sector, Internet and other on-line services within the scope of Council of Europe documents
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Akademia Obrony Narodowej w Warszawie
Publication date: 2018-01-25
JoMS 2013;16(1):59-100
The article is devoted to the minors` protection in audiovisual media sector within the scope of Council of Europe documents (soft and hard law) from 1967 (Resolution (67)13: The press and the protection of youth(adopted by the Ministers’ Deputies on 29th June 1967) to 2012. It concerns both the traditional media sector and new audiovisual and information services. Ito consists of six parts. First regards the audiovisual and information services` sectors from communication perspective. Second and third are devoted to audiovisual media sector andmainly covers the analyses of the following legal acts and documents: recommendations: (83)963 – on cultural and educational means of reducing violence; (89)7 – principles on the distributionof videograms having a violent, brutal or pornographic content; 1989 – convention on transfrontier television and recommendation (97)19 on portrayal of violence in the electronic media. Fourth refers to information/communication services; in particular describes the following recommendations: (2001)8 – on self-regulation concerning cyber content(self-regulation and user protection against illegalor harmful content on new communicationsand information services); (2006)12– on empowering children in the new information and communications environment; (2008)6 – on measures to promote the respect for freedom of expression and information with regard to Internet filters; (2009)5 – on measures to protect children against harmful content and behaviour and to promote their active participation in the new information and communications environment; (2009) 1882 – The promotion of Internet and online media services appropriate for minors. Fifth point is devoted to the description and classification of illegal and harmful content. It mainly covers the conventions: on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (2007) and on Cybercrime (2001). Last part refers to the system of the protection of minors according to the Council of Europe standards and its components, as: legal and self-regulation, co-regulation; age classification, content descriptions(labeling), conditional access, filtering systems, media education. All documents are directed to the Member States, representatives industry and other parties concerned (representatives of civic society) as well as particular groups of individuals as parents, teachers and minors.
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