Critical gloss to the judgment of the SUPREME ADMINISTRATIVE COURT of 18 November 2020 (file ref. No. I OSK 1927/18)
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Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Submission date: 2021-05-26
Acceptance date: 2021-06-23
Publication date: 2021-07-28
Corresponding author
Marcin Adamczyk   

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
JoMS 2021;46(1):451-464
The Act on access to public information (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2020, item 2176; hereinafter referred to as the Act on Access to Public Information) provides that everyone is entitled, subject to Art. 5, the right to access public information, and the person exercising the right to public information may not be required to demonstrate a legal or factual interest. Despite the fact that the Act has been operating in the legal order for nearly 20 years, there are still significant interpretative doubts regarding the basic ones that affect the interpretation, and thus the application of this Act. One of such concepts is used in art. 2 u.d.i.p. the concept of "everyone". In the voted judgment, the Supreme Administrative Court indicated that the Court of first instance interpreted the phrase "everyone" too categorically, assuming that the attribute of a state legal person made it impossible to file a motion for disclosure of public information to an authority. According to the Supreme Administrative Court, u.d.i.p. this type of entities (entities of the public finance sector - own footnote) in each case does not prevent the possibility of submitting a request for disclosure of public information. The question then arises whether against the background of u.d.i.p. "Everyone is everyone", and if not "everyone" is also a unit of the public finance sector. In the author's opinion, the NSA made a wrong assumption, not taking into account all the issues related to the analyzed problem.
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