Dynamics of Internal Mobility Problems in Ethiopia: Factors and Consequences
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Data nadesłania: 21-05-2021
Data ostatniej rewizji: 31-08-2021
Data akceptacji: 20-10-2021
Data publikacji: 22-12-2021
Autor do korespondencji
Degefe Kebede Gemechu   

University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
JoMS 2021;47(2):77-96
Objectives The analysis further tries to enlighten the problems of internal mobility in Ethiopia. It also refers to other factors causing internal displacement of citizens such as ethnic border conflicts. Material and methods In this research, major causes of internal migration in Ethiopia and their ultimate consequences will be discussed based on the secondary data analysis and textual studies of documents. Results The circumstances have been particularly terrible in the conflict region where IDPs were deprived of any assistance because of difficulties in humanitarian access to the region. The IDPs were affected as a result of malnutrition and a high risk of an outbreak of disease. These people have suffered frequent displacements from their areas of origin and need stronger safety guarantees before they return to their region. The international community is also involved to support IDPs, following the opening of access to the affected location. Conclusions The scale and difficulty of internal displacement in Ethiopia need durable solutions. Escalation of the ongoing conflict may lead to economic decline and political instability. Collaboration with humanitarian and development organizations could be important, but a large part of the problem must be addressed by Ethiopian authorities and Ethiopian citizens. The role of humanitarian support is to enhance the efforts of national governments, responsible to tackle the root causes of conflicts. Religious leaders, elders, federal and regional authorities at all levels, need to seek ways and strategies to build peace and stability between conflicting parties focusing on specific and unique problems concerning disputes between communities or different ethnic groups.
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