The unemployment and social security analysis of the phenomenon using the example of the district of the Warsaw agglomeration
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Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperii w Józefowie
Publication date: 2014-06-30
JoMS 2014;21(2):179-209
Apart from poverty an unemployment makes one of the most important and the strongest felt problems of the present-day societies including the Polish one. It concerns all spheres of the men’s activities: the economic, social and political ones. It is both of the global and local character. The main purpose of the study was the learning of opinions of the unemployed registered at the powiatowy urząd pracy (County Employment Office) on the issues related to their professional activization and search for employment. Participants of the study were the unemployed people registered at the powiatowy urząd pracy (County Employment Offices). 298 people in total were questioned, with 55.7% being women, and 44.3% - men. Age of the studied women ranged from 20 to 59 while with men it was 20 to 62. Average ages of the two groups were similar – in case of women it was 37.07 (SD=11.842) while for men it was 37.69 (SD=12,982). The applied questionnaire was composed of two blocks of questions. Of all questions included in the questionnaire 23 concerned the issue of unemployment and search for a job while nine questions were the certificate ones. Every question was combined with a proper scale, and the studied person was supposed to mark the answer that went best with him or her. With open questions the studied persons were requested to give an answer in a  form of a  short statement. The study showed that the fight against unemployment should be based on an active strategy of the search for job implemented using offers presented by the powiatowe urzędy pracy (County Employment Offices). People who participate in the trainings / courses better their chances in the employment market.
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