Architecture and art in the contemporary reality of elementary school
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Politechnika Lubelska
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
Submission date: 2024-01-30
Acceptance date: 2024-08-09
Publication date: 2024-09-22
Corresponding author
Agnieszka Beata Chęć-Małyszek   

Politechnika Lubelska
JoMS 2024;58(4):240-263
The elementary school teaching process is an important element in shaping a young person's personality, where knowledge, sensory and aesthetic impressions are provided through curiosity. Art education plays an important role in the process of developing imagination, creativity and manual skills. Visual arts textbooks are a key tool in teaching art and architecture. The purpose of this article is to analyze art textbooks issued in the last 5 years for elementary schools approved by the Ministry of Education. The content and included illustrative material from four available publications were analyzed. The collected information was juxtaposed with what is known, popular and frequented by tourists around the world. The article pays attention to the objects of sacred architecture, recognizing them as valuable cultural heritage. An analysis of art textbooks has shown that the included illustrations and information in the various publications vary quite a bit, although the same art issues are covered. The content of textbooks should be consistent, supported by well-known examples that are characteristic icons of certain trends in art and architecture. The task should be to draw a young person's attention to the cultural, social, technological, economic and ecological meanings of art and architecture. They should teach conscious perception, selective and critical choice, as well as distance from oneself. The importance of art education is significant, as it plays an integrating role vis-à-vis other disciplines.
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