The application of OpenAI Technology in Marketing Activities - A Systematic Literature Review
University of Szczecin
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Data nadesłania: 20-03-2024
Data akceptacji: 07-12-2024
Data publikacji: 29-12-2024
Autor do korespondencji
Joanna Wiśniewska   

University of Szczecin
JoMS 2024;60(6):392-410
This article aims to assess empirical research papers on the application of OpenAI technology in marketing activities, with the goal of organizing current knowledge in this domain. To achieve this objective, the following questions were addressed: 1. Is there scientific interest in the application of OpenAI technology in marketing activities, and is it extensively discussed in researching works ? 2. What kinds and directions of the empirical researching works on this problem have been taken so far ?

Material and methods:
A study of the popularity of OpenAI in marketing was conducted using Google Trends tools, while a systematic literature review based on Web of Science, Scopus and Elsevier Science Direct databases was conducted using Google Sheets and VOSviewer tools.

The review highlights the insufficient attention given to application of OpenAI in marketing activities, despite the global interest and growing number of publications concernig that technology. An analysis of citations and co-citations found that the articles examined , although diverse in terms of subject matter and place of publication, had minimal impact on the observed research field.

The literature review reveals limited exploration of OpenAI technology in marketing activities despite growing interest. While publications vary widely in focus and venue, there is little evidence of significant impact on the research field. Existing literature offers fragmented insights and lacks comprehensive coverage of empirical studies, particularly in marketing. Further research is necessary to investigate specific applications like content creation, customer communication, brand enhancement, and market analysis.
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