Objectives: The aim of the research was to diagnose the key didactic problems encountered in educating refugee children from Ukraine in Polish schools.
Material and methods: The research material was obtained using a nationwide online diagnostic survey among teachers teaching refugee children from Ukraine (N=1720). The research tool was a didactic difficulty scale consisting of 12 questions in the form of a five-point Likert scale.
Results: Statistical analysis showed that cultural issues and language barriers strongly influence didactic difficulties. The main factors complicating the transmission of knowledge in Polish schools are the lack of teachers' competencies to work with linguistically and culturally diverse children and the low motivation of Ukrainian students to learn. The greatest didactic problems concern the diagnosis of the child's knowledge level and special educational needs, as well as the motivation to learn Polish.
Conclusions: Teachers with highest qualifications had fewer problems with transmitting knowledge and assessing students, but the level of professional advancement did not affect their ability to motivate students and build relationships with their families. The most problems were experienced by teachers of grades I-III, which may be due to the adaptive difficulties of the youngest students. Support is needed for all teachers, regardless of workplace, in the areas of communication, intercultural education, and managing cultural differences.
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