The Visegrad Group in terms of the contemporary cross-border threats
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Katedra Bezpieczeństwa i Porządku Publicznego Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Publication date: 2017-03-31
JoMS 2017;32(1):265-283
The problem of the mass influx of migrants affected all European countries. Many European Union Member States (especially these belonging to the Schengen zone), built fences and barbed wire that have to stop the migration flow. Union failed to fully regain the control of the external borders, and the Member States are unable to reach agreement on ways to solve the prolonging crisis of migration. Especially illegal immigration is a pressing problem and a big security risk. Visegrad Group countries from the beginning of the crisis have become transit countries for illegal migrants trying to get to Western Europe. The situation causes a serious threat, mostly related to cross-border security of these countries. Despite the firm opposition to European Commission proposals on the relocation of migrants, the Visegrad Group seeks for consensus and a common strategy against the crisis overwhelming Europe. The author analyzes the responses, behavior and position of Visegrad countries to the above problem.
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