Aspects of the medical’s legal liability
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Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
Publication date: 2018-07-03
JoMS 2013;19(4):265-285
The legal liability of doctors or other members of the medical staff can be seen in the different areas. These persons can be held liable on the basis of the Civil Code, based on the Penal Code, but also based on the regulation regarding medical professions, and it means they take professional responsibility. This analysis will discuss the liability of the medical staff, with particular emphasis on the responsibility of doctors. The various aspects of this liability, including civil liability, penal liability and professional liability, will be discussed. To illustrate that this topic is current today, but it was always important, the author will present a brief historical background regarding doctor’s liability in different cultures and different times. Moreover, in a special way, the medical professional liability, based on the Law on Profession of Physicians, will be considered.
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