Corruption – how to fight it more effectively
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Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
Publication date: 2017-03-31
JoMS 2017;32(1):339-354
Considering the fact that corruption crimes make a real threat for proper functioning of structures of each state, an analysis of the phenomenon is extremely important for arranging reasons of its occurrence and predictions of areas that may be overwhelmed by that form of crime. In order to present an analysis of the undertaken issue, the first part of the article presents a description of corruption crimes included in the Polish legal system. In the further part the state of the corruption in Poland has been presented on the basis of available statistic data and effectiveness of undertaken actions by the entitled services and bodies to fight that form of crime have been presented. The article includes the statistical data published by the Central Anti-corruption Bureau, the Police, the Agency of Internal Security, the Border Guard, Public Prosecutor’s Office, Military Police and the National Centre of Criminal Information. Basing on the information and specialist dissertations and experts’ opinions published by the services, an analysis of present state of corruption threat has been conducted and thesis concerning the reasons of its occurrence has been formulated. In the end, the assumptions of the concept of amending punishment of the corruption crimes in Poland have been worked out.
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