Autonomy of local communities from the perspective of Roman law and modern normative solutions
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Submission date: 2018-02-16
Acceptance date: 2018-03-08
Publication date: 2018-04-19
Corresponding author
Bronisław Sitek   

WSGE, ul. Sienkiewicza 4, 05-420 Józefów, Polska
JoMS 2018;36(1):127-143
The subject of the study is to present the concept of local autonomy from a historical and comparative perspective. The work will analyze the provisions of Roman law and Polish law. The work also includes references to the solutions in other selected legal systems. The basic assumption of the author is to accept the hypothesis that the autonomy of ancient municipalities was much wider than today. This was undoubtedly due to a different concept of the state.The contemporary state aims at full control over the organization of society. The Roman state was limited to taking such actions that were necessary. Thus, the principle of subsidiarity was better implemented in antiquity. The intervention of central authorities was essentially limited to the implementation of tasks that exceeded the capacity of the local community. Currently, it is the central authority that decides about the form and scope of local governments.
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