Contemporary space in mobility of cultures. The attempt of conceptualization from the perspective of the Jagiellonian Cultural Studies
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Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
Submission date: 2021-05-31
Final revision date: 2021-07-01
Acceptance date: 2021-07-02
Publication date: 2021-07-28
Corresponding author
Leszek Korporowicz   

Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
JoMS 2021;46(1):57-71
Modern processes of globalization are characterized by the unprecedented scale of movement of people and different content of symbolic culture. These phenomena, through various forms of deterritorialisation, mobility and the use of virtualization processes, have created a new kind of civilisational and cultural space (Stalder, 2012). The purpose of this article is to identify its characteristics, stimulate the attempt to analyze and understand their functions, and break the conceptual limitations within social and cultural studies related to the traditional way of perceiving and defining the concept of mobility and space.. At the same time, the article seeks to identify the mental and social consequences that take place in space itself, with an indication of the need to develop its integrated, transgressive and multifaceted theory. It should combine the analysis of real, virtual and a new hybrid reality with permeability and mobility of its elements and characteristics. The methodology for showing the modern space of mobility is comparative analyses of the different way in which physical and symbolic space exists, to cultural anthropology and sociology sociology. The integrated theory of cultural space discloses its new cultural and interactive possibilities, but also unknown processes of reducing many values. This interpretation of the modern mobility space combines three dimensions of analysis, ontological, semiotic and axiological, referring to the highly present and exemplary teleological component of mobility in the Jagiellonian tradition that creates specific and hopeful ideas of human mobility. The article reveals the heuristic value of such constructed theory in the analysis of the integrated and transgressive nature of the space of modern wanderings.
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