Love, sex and marriage in opinions and life plans of single people
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Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej w Józefowie
Publication date: 2015-09-30
JoMS 2015;26(3):11-32
Almost since the beginning love is seen as wonderful, positive and beautiful feeling, it is something that everyone wants, a lot of people long for it. For many people it is the quintessence of happiness. Since ancient times, philosophers emphasized that a human being has the natural need of closeness and love is the cure that fulfi lls this need, it fulfi lls human cravings. Why then not everyone seek for love and not everyone want to love? Why does it happen to fi nd among us people who do not look for love and they prefer to stay single? Marshall Hodge stated: “we all yearn for express love, closeness, tenderness, but very oft en, in a critical moment, we resign. We are afraid of love. We feel the fear to love.” Th e anxiety that we feel facing the unknown situation or experiences taken from former relationships may cause that some people choose to stay single or they live that way because of the necessity. On the other hand there also people who become permanent love seekers and they try to fi nd their perfect partner. In that situation the lack of appropriate partner is the cause of long term singlehood, but it is temporary condition. Love is not only associated with emotions but also with physical aspects. Sex is the way to express the physical bodily closeness but nowadays is is also seen as temporary short term need, a way of expressing instinct passion. It is equated with immediate action, not engaging love or any other upstanding emotions and feelings, in contrast love and closeness require the time and involvement. Finally, one of the way of expressing love is family and marriage. Th e members of family are bound with each other with unique relationship and the feeling of community. Th e family is the place of expressing love in emotional and sexual aspect, because it is not homogenous and complex term. Th e research held by CEBOS shows that for the major group of Polish people love is associated with trust, loyalty and honesty towards a partner. “And even if some people believe that love can be expressed with words, the majority points that for them a real feeling is mostly shown by every day situation with beloved person, in good and bad cases. But are the family and marriage desired by all people? Is that true that every person wants to get married? Not everyone of course, but for sure those, whose single life is the result of necessity, not because of their choice. Th is article aim is to show some chosen aspects Polish singles’ life. Th e aim is to show how the singles themselves defi ne and understand the condition of singlehood, what are the reasons of that state. Th is article also is trying to answer how singles in Poland understand love, marriage, sex and what are their procreation and marriage plans. Is the singlehood only a temporary condition for them and are they seeking for love and if so, what features should their perfect partner have?
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