Biopolitics - definitions and lines of development of theoretical reflection
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University of Genoa
Publication date: 2014-03-31
JoMS 2014;20(1):145-152
The first who use the neologism biopolitics was M.  Roberts. He argumented that biopolitics allows you to have <>1 . Sociologists, historians, politicians should consider the body that they want to describe and govern (the State) as a set of living tissues and buttons on which operate, when it is considered to be necessary, similarly to the way that occurs when facing pathologies2 . In 1960 the term biopolitics was used by A.  Starobinski. He defined biopolitics as << an attempt to explain the history of civilization according to the rules of the basic cellular and biological life >>.3 This attempt is based on the idea that, if we admit the existence of purely organic forces that govern human societies and push masses, nations, civilizations against one other, we should also admit the existence of constructive and aware forces that can safeguard humanity and open optimistic new perspectives
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