Innovative reserves of Ukraine’s economy and the feasibility of their using
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Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities, Ukraine, Rivne
Publication date: 2017-06-30
JoMS 2017;33(2):71-83
Purpose. Disclosure of innovative reserves of Ukraine’s economy and statement of the need and the feasibility of their using. Methods – theoretical and practical. Results. For twenty-five years of independence, Ukraine practically has lost or has reduced to the minimum production of high-tech products. This is set an objective to change the attitude of science and innovation. In the difficult conditions of lack of financial resources, Ukraine should identify priority industries and directions for the development national economy and provide funding. Country should abandon of populist desire to solve all the social and domestic issues immediately and direct the released funds to support scientific and research institutions and enterprises that implement innovations. To the industries that are able to play the role of locomotive in the country’s economy development and therefore should receive priority funding from the state, must be attributed: the aeronautical, space and agricultural machine-building, metallurgical industry, military products, renewable energy, information and communication technology, biotechnology, that is the basis for domestic production of medicines, and nanotechnology. To encourage innovation activities of enterprises and raise funds overseas and domestic investors should use not only the financial capacity of the state, but also regions. At that, complex of measures national and regional institutions to support investors who finance innovative projects should include legal protection of interests of investors, preferential tax treatment of their income, access to natural and material resources of Ukraine. For this assisting in the implementation of innovation must receive not only large but also medium and small enterprises. Creating favourable conditions for the use of available reserves for the innovative renewal of economy of Ukraine, will allow our country rid of orientation on the use of available natural resources and production of products with low degree of processing and join the group of countries at the base of which are high technology
Інноваційні резерви економіки України та можливість їх використання
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